Tuesday, February 9, 2010

I'm done.

I did not make it the full 30 days.

Why you ask?

Because Jillian Michaels is full of SHIT!

Yes thats right, SHIT, full of it, Jillian, she is!

I worked out hard, I ate right and I gained weight.
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot

I went to the dr today for some issues and his scale read 162 (while mine at home read 157).
I'm just done.

My dr thinks I may have thyroid issues.
I'll find out by tomorrow or Thursday.
But in the meantime....I'm done.

Got that? Done.
Done. Done. Done. Done. Done. Done. Done. Done.

I may start this back up once I find out why I'm gaining weight for no reason and why my energy is in the shitter. But until then, fuck you Jillian Michaels. 20lbs in 30 days my fat ass!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

day 20, level 3

Ok, first official day of level 3! I NEED to find my weights!
Where the hell did they go?!?!

Exercise will be done before bedtime and when the kids are in bed.
That's just how I roll.
Save my exercise for the time of day when I have the least energy.

I weighed in at 158.6
Gained a full pound due to my pizza bagel gorge last night.

Today's eats (pics to come later)

handful of raw nuts

sushi (philadelphia rolls)
1/2 of a cobb salad
Archer Farms Pomogranate Green Tea (amazing!)

1 slice Archer Farms Apple Fritter Breakfast Bread (to. die. for.)

Walmart take & bake pizza (1 slice) Seriously .... BEST frozen pizza ever! Its huge, its cheap, and it tastes better than delivery!
And the rest of my salad from lunch
Diet Pepsi

day 19

Ahh level 2, my friend!
You're so much nicer than that bitch level 3!

It's Wednesday, so if you don't know by now.....uber busy day.
Gymnastics in the morning, work at night.

Blah. Blah. Blah.

I long for the day when I can just sit on my ass all day long on a Wednesday.

Dare to dream.

I weighed in at 157.6 today .... maintained. Better than gaining!
I have a picture.
I'm too lazy to go get my camera and upload.
But trust me. I was 157.6.
I would not lie to you.
My 1 blog follower who probably does not read this on a daily basis anyway.

I honestly think I'm talking to myself.
At least I'm a good listener!

Todays eats (OH today was horrible ..... DO. NOT. JUDGE. ME.)

1 slice of pumpkin pound cake
tall skinny cinnamon dolce latte

6pc chicken nugget
Chicken Ceasar Salad
Diet Pepsi


Grilled chicken wrap w/light ranch
Medium tots
Diet Dr Pepper

Bedtime snack (ok, please understand, I had a huge stress put on me at work and I needed comfort food)
Pizza Bagel Bites .... about 200 of them
(ok not that many, but probably around 15?? FAT ASS!!!)

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Day 18

Exercise update:
O.M.G. I did level 3 tonight just to try it out (minus my weights, because they are MIA for some reason)
I'm dying.
My legs are very wobbly.
I have rug burn on my elbows because I have no mat.
My arms are burning and wobbly.
And I ended up flipping off Jillian at the end of the session.


Man oh man, I'm still exhausted.
From what?
Couldn't tell ya.
I'm just T-I-R-E-D for no dern reason at all!

2 more nights on level 2!!!
I will be doing some Wii Fit tonight as well .... probably 10-15 min of step class and a round or two of hula hoop!

I woke up at 157.6 today!
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I don't know. I thought I'd be back down to 152 by now (which is where I was holding steady for over a year before the holidays came along.)
Hopefully the next week will prove me wrong???? *shrugs*

Anywho ..... Hubby has not done level 2 with me at all. Wuss!
So I've been going at it alone and I think thats part of my "no motivation" thing I have going on.

I do see a slight difference in my lower back/muffin top area, sooooo Yay?!

Today's eats:


I was soooo bad. I ate an entire Taco Bell Fiesta Box! YIKES!
1 grilled stuffed burrito
Chips & salsa
Beans, rice & cheese
Diet Pepsi
I ate that around 11:30am ..... it is now 5:45pm and I'm not yet hungry LOL

When I finally get hungry ..... Edamame! YUMMO!!!
And a left over hard taco from hubby's lunch

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2 Baby Bel light cheese's
glass of 2% chocolate milk