Sunday, January 31, 2010

Day 17

OK, I seriously just suck!
I won't lie. My period has kicked my ass this month.
The past 4 days I've literally woken up tired. Spent the days with no energy at all and have been eating like crap.

I dont know how much I weigh, I refuse to get on the scale until tomorrow.
I will do my best to motivate myself into starting back up tonight even though I'm just exhausted today.
I volunteer at church from 4-8 so I will do my exercise when I get home!

I WILL do this and see it to the end! I've skipped a few days here and there but when I do work out, I work damn hard and I can feel the difference!

I ate like total crap yesterday. I will go back and edit/update my eats from lunch/dinner.
I had a healthy dinner but then we hit a gas station after church and I went haywire!
I ate 3 out of 4 pieces of a individual pizza, half a bag of salt & vinegar potato chips and a Reeses Whipped candy bar.
I felt like crap afterwards. Serves me right I suppose.

Todays eats:

2slices of toast w/crunchy peanutbutter
small glass of 2% chocolate milk
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Balogna sandwhich with mustard/olive oil mayo & horseradish cheddar cheese
1 pickle
Diet Pepsi
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Beef Roll-Ups (recipe coming)
Homemade mashed garlic ranch potatos
Mixed veggies (squash, carrots, cauliflower, broccoli)
Diet Mikes Hard Cranberry Lemonade


Leftover veggies from dinner

1 package of skirt steak
Flour (any kind you like, I use wheat)
Spices of your choice (I use paprika, pepper, celery salt, garlic salt & Mrs Dash)
Water or broth

Gather your ingredients
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Mix your seasonings with your flour (how much you use of the seasonings and flour depends on how many roll-ups you're making. I make 4 roll-ups each time so I use 1 1/2 cups flour and 2tbsp of each seasoning)
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Coat each steak really well, get your flour mixture all in the little holes and crevaces
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Then roll them up and pin them together with a toothpick
Place in your crockpot and cook on low for 4 hours
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(the bag in my crockpot are Reynolds Slow Cooker Liners ... best. invention. EVER!)

Usually the meat will make its own gravy so there is no need for water or broth. But depending on the cut it may not produce much.
If you check your roll-ups about 2 hours into cooking and see there is no "gravy" at the bottom of the pot and there is some dry flour on the meat, feel free to add up to 1 cup of water or broth.
When they are done cooking, if you see dry flour on them still, baste the dry flour with the "gravy".

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